
From 2014 to 2020, Erin wrote a series of blogs on issues impacting Canada and his riding of Durham. He also chronicled the changing geopolitical landscape during this time and the creeping influence of social media on politics and society. We invite you to explore these blogs that were often published in local, and occasionally national, papers. From 2020 onward, Erin focused on the Blue Skies podcast and eventually his Blue Skies Substack page, so you can explore his ongoing examination of issues on those sites.

Before I became an MP, I was among the millions of Canadians who spent more than two and a half hours a day commuting to and from my work in downtown Toronto. The sting of taking precious time away from my family was offset with the opportunity to catch up on paperwork while I rode […]

One of the Liberal government’s signature campaign promises to come out of the last election was to legalize marijuana. In the last year, it has continued to be a hot topic and one that I am regularly asked about; having heard a wide array of perspectives from those for and against legalization. Last week the […]

As the New Year rolled in, Ontario residents may have noticed that their pocketbook took a hit when they took their car to the pumps to fill up. The newly introduced carbon tax has been at the forefront of discussion and debate since last fall in Ottawa and many may not be aware of its […]

Like many Canadians, I have been following the promotion of the Bell Let’s Talk campaign as we approach Let’s Talk Day on January 25th. Let’s Talk is an innovative public service campaign as it has created a meaningful conversation about mental health. Like I do each year, I was planning to do some social media […]

With our busy lives, the majority of us are scrambling at the last minute to find the perfect gift for our loved ones. Jam-packed malls full of stressed out shoppers is personally not an appealing prospect in this last week before Christmas. As the work week winds down and we transition into holiday mode, I […]

I write this as the first heavy snowfall of the season falls outside my window. With the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair behind us, and with an unusually warm fall that had people out cutting their grass right up until last weekend, Mother Nature (and the Christmas decorations) are reminding us that we are in for […]

This Remembrance Day, let us remember and honour the sacrifices of thousands of Canadians, who, for over a century, served and gave us the country we have today. Let us also honour the families still dealing with the scars of war and remember the members of the Canadian Armed Forces deployed today, serving us abroad. […]

One of the highlights of my time as Minister of Veterans Affairs was bringing together all Veteran groups in a large summit in Ottawa to work on issues together. The day was extra special because my team took the initiative to sit me beside Doug Finney. Doug was the President of the Korean Veterans Association […]